address : Universidad de Valladolid
Sede Mergelina, EII
c/ Real de Burgos s/n.
47011 Valladolid
Approval date : 13/10/2004
The Department of Systems Engineering and Automatic Control of the University of Valladolid, is involved in several projects where simulation of large scale processes or interoperability of different tools are essential components. In particular, one project is related with dynamic simulators of sugar factories, running in real time for operator training. For size and performance reasons, the process simulation, implemented in the EcosimPro language, as well as the control system and the master module, must be distributed in a network of computers interchanging information in a coordinated way.
At the same time, in this and other projects, related activities, such as data reconciliation, parameters estimation, integrated process and control design, diagnosis, model predictive control and plant wide optimization are being implemented. This requires the joint operation of dedicated packages, either commercial or developed in-house. All of them will gain with CAPE-OPEN interfaces in order to standardize the communications of models and tools, providing flexibility and opening them to other users.