CAPE-OPEN related activities
DOW was a member of the CAPE-OPEN and Global CAPE-OPEN projects and is a founding member of CO-LaN.
Werner MERK represented DOW from its foundation till 2011. Thomas KOEHLER was then representing DOW till 2012. Isaiah HUANG has been the representative of DOW in CO-LaN until 2019. Michael BERGER is the current representative of DOW.
Dow served as Secretary of CO-LaN Management Board since CO-LaN was founded, then took the role of Vice-President on March 23, 2002 before holding the position of President from February 13, 2004 till March 8, 2007. Ever since, DOW retains a position of Member of the Management Board.
DOW was the leader of the Thermo Special Interest Group since its creation in September 2002 and till August 2005. During its leadership, the Thermo SIG finalized and released version 1.1 of the Thermodynamic and Physical Properties interface specification.
DOW hosted the 1st CAPE-OPEN European Conference on February 13, 2014 in Skopau, Germany, the first event in a now well established series.
DOW hosted the face-to-face meeting of the CO-LaN Management Board on May 9, 2017 in Skopau, Germany.
DOW participated to the following CAPE-OPEN organized events:
- 1st CAPE-OPEN European Conference. Werner MERK presented there the report on the Thermo SIG activities in 2003.
- Kerry IRONS, representative of DOW within the CAPE-OPEN and Global CAPE-OPEN projects, attended the 1st CAPE-OPEN US Conference and presented, jointly with TOTAL, on the CAPE-OPEN end-users’ perspective.
DOW, in the person of Werner MERK, presented the CAPE-OPEN 2005 Award to Heat Transfer Research Inc. during the 3rd CAPE-OPEN European Conference held in March 2006 at Cannes, France.
Papers on CAPE-OPEN authored or co-authored by The Dow Chemical Company:
M. Pons, B. Braunschweig, K. Irons, A. Kuckelberg and J. Koller, “CAPE-OPEN (CO) standards: implementation and maintenance“, Proceedings from the 2nd IEEE Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology (Cat. No.01EX530), Boulder, CO, 2001, pp. 335-338.
Belaud J.-P., Pons M., Irons K., Merk W., Banks P. (2003) Missions of the CAPE-OPEN Laboratories Network. In: Grossmann IE, McDonald CM (eds) Proceedings of FOCAPO 2003, pp XXX–XXX, CACHE.