address : Technische Universität Berlin
Sekretariat KWT 9
Straße des 17. Juni 135
D-10623 Berlin
phone : +49 30 314 26900
Approval date : 22/11/2011
Process Dynamics and Operations Group: Our Vision is to create knowledge of optimal design and optimal operation of industrial processes to define how a sustainable future of process and energy technology will look like. We undertake fundamental and applied research in complex environments and implement our findings into industrial applications. Our main expertise includes modeling, simulation and optimization of different processes as well as experimental investigations from microscale to mini-plant. Model Development is essential for the development of optimal design and efficient operation of processes. The central point of this research focus is to systematically and efficiently develop stationary and dynamic models. Fundamental objectives in model formulation, numeric solutions and documentations are treated. Our self-developed modeling environment MOSAICmodeling is specifically designed and used for this purpose.
The Process Dynamics and Operations Group of Technische Universität Berlin received the CAPE-OPEN 2018 Award for MOSAICmodeling’s innovative code generation supporting CAPE-OPEN.
As of January 1, 2021, Technische Universität Berlin is an Associate Member in Group C as per the bylaws adopted on October 15, 2020.
Back in 2011, when TU Berlin was approved as Associate Member in CO-LaN, Dipl. Ing Robert KRAUS represented TU Berlin in CO-LaN.
Then when Robert left TU Berlin to work for Bayer in 2014, Dr.-Ing. Gregor TOLKSDORF was designated as representative. Gregor has been very active with respect to CAPE-OPEN: he has presented his work at several CAPE-OPEN Annual Meetings (2013, 2015, 2017) and contributed to a number of papers describing the various aspects of CAPE-OPEN within MOSAICmodeling. Gregor left TU Berlin in 2018 to work with Evonik Industries.
Dr-Ing. Erik ESCHE is representing TU Berlin in CO-LaN since May 2018.
MOSAICmodeling and CAPE-OPEN
- “Conceptual Design Based on Superstructure Optimization in GAMS with Accurate Thermodynamic Models” where the transformation model in MOSAICmodeling is applied to GAMS, as presented at ESCAPE 30, August 31-September 2, 2020.
- “An equation-oriented novel approach for modeling the falling film absorber using rigorous thermodynamic and transport description” where the transformation model in MOSAICmodeling is applied to MATLAB with use of TEA from AmsterCHEM through CAPE-OPEN interfaces.
- “Automatic Generation of Simulation Code for Embedding Custom Unit Operations in CAPE Software” and its application to CAPE-OPEN, as presented at ESCAPE 27, October 1-5, 2017.
- “Taylor-Made Modeling and Solution of Novel ProcessUnits by Modular CAPE-OPEN-based Flowsheeting“, as presented at ESCAPE 26, June 12-15, 2016.
Data exchange and CAPE-OPEN
- Sandra Fillinger et al., Data Exchange for Process Engineering – Challenges and Opportunities, Chemie. Ing. Tech., 2019, 91, No. 3, 256-267.
Participation to CO-LaN organized events:
- Gregor TOLKSDORF participated in the CAPE-OPEN 2013 Annual Meeting where he explained (Y13_COEU_MOSAIC, Y13_COEU_MOSAICwithnotes) how CAPE-OPEN is present in MOSAIC, a modeling and code generation software tool developed at Technische Universität Berlin.
- Gregor attended also the CAPE-OPEN 2014 Annual Meeting.
- At the CAPE-OPEN 2015 Annual Meeting. Gregor presented in Amsterdam a talk on MOSAIC: Self-made CAPE-OPEN Unit Operations without programming knowledge.
- Gregor participated also to the CAPE-OPEN 2016 Annual Meeting.
- Gregor attended the CAPE-OPEN 2017 Annual Meeting where he presented a talk on CAPE-OPEN Easy Access for Students and Academics: Using MOSAIC modelling for Automatized Implementation of Unit Operations.
- At the CAPE-OPEN 2019 Annual Meeting, David KRONE presented a talk on Mixed-Integer Optimization in GAMS using CAPE-OPEN Thermodynamics via MOSAICmodeling and COBIA for Conceptual Design.