As of October 2018, Schneider Electric Software LLC is being substituted by AVEVA™ Group plc. Schneider Electric Software LLC, as INVENSYS/SimSci, was already a member of the Global CAPE-OPEN project and went on to be a CO-LaN Corporate Associate Member. Dave BLUCK, senior technologist at SimSci, has served as its representative in CO-LaN till September 2018. In October 2018, Krishna Murthy PENUKONDA has been designated as representative of AVEVA™ Group, plc.
CAPE-OPEN related activities
Krishna Murthy PENUKONDA is the leader of the UNIT Special Interest Group.
Participation to meetings organized by CO-LaN:
- February 2004: Neil FORSTER and Thomas KOUP attended the 1st CAPE-OPEN European Conference in Skopau, Germany.
- August 2004: David JEROME, Development Manager, participated to the 1st CAPE-OPEN US Conference, held in Cincinnati, Ohio. He presented on the CAPE-OPEN support offered by PRO/II 7.0.
- May 2005: David JEROME, Development Manager participated to the 2nd CAPE-OPEN US Conference held in Morgantown, West Virginia. He presented on the CAPE-OPEN support offered in PRO/II.
- March 2007: David JEROME and Krishna Murthy PENUKONDA attended the 4th CAPE-OPEN European Conference held in Heidelberg, Germany. David JEROME presented on PRO/II Petroleum Fractions prototype.
- September 2013: participation of Krishna Murthy PENUKONDA to the CAPE-OPEN 2013 Annual Meeting where he made a presentation on CAPE-OPEN support enhancements in PRO/II 9.2 and its Patch 1.
- September 2014: participation of Krishna Murthy PENUKONDA to the CAPE-OPEN 2014 Annual Meeting. Presentation made on a number of CAPE-OPEN implementation issues resolved in PRO/II 9.3 and 9.4. He also presented the report on the activities of the UNIT Special Interest Group.
- October 2015: participation of Krishna Murthy PENUKONDA to the CAPE-OPEN 2015 Annual Meeting. Presentation made on additional editing and persisting functionality for CAPE-OPEN Property Packages in PRO/II 9.3 and 9.4.
- October 2016: participation of Krishna Murthy PENUKONDA to the CAPE-OPEN 2016 Annual Meeting. Presentation made on support in PRO/II 10.0 for both 32-bits and 64-bits CAPE-OPEN Process Modelling Components.
- October 2017: participation of Krishna Murthy PENUKONDA to the CAPE-OPEN 2017 Annual Meeting. Presentation made on latest PRO/II update concerning CAPE-OPEN.
- October 2019: participation of Krishna Murthy PENUKONDA to the CAPE-OPEN 2019 Annual Meeting. Presentation of activity report from UNIT Special Interest Group.
- October 2020: participation of Krishna Murthy PENUKONDA to the CAPE-OPEN 2020 Annual Meeting.
June 2018: review of the proposal of an economic dimension.
September 2018: review of the Custom Data interface specification.