Reaction Design had its main office in San Diego, California.
Reaction Design joined CO-LaN on February 1, 2010 with Dr Tony GARRATT, Senior Numerical Analyst, as its representative.
At the AICHE 2012 Annual Meeting, within a session dedicated to CAPE-OPEN, Dr Tony GARRATT presented on a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation Software Component for Solving Chemkin Reactor Networks Inside Process Modeling Simulations. This presentation showed publicly the implementation of CAPE-OPEN interfaces conducted at Reaction Design.
On January 3, 2014 ANSYS announced having closed the acquisition of Reaction Design.
ANSYS being already a Corporate Associate Member of CO-LaN, the two memberships are joined into ANSYS membership in CO-LaN with Tony GARRATT as the representative of ANSYS as of September 2018.