address : 12337 Jones Rd., Suite 432
Houston, TX 77070
phone : +1 281 970 2700
Approval date : 2017/09/21
Optimized Gas Treating, Inc. (OGT) was established in 1992 by Ralph Weiland and Jack Dingman to provide a commercial version of a Windows-based software package for simulating acid gas removal specifically with aqueous alkanolamines. ProTreat software is implementing a mass and heat transfer rate approach to column modeling and now includes a number of proprietary solvents, physical and hybrid solvents, dehydration, sour water stripping, and most recently a full sulphur plant simulator. ProTreat is the sole software product from OGT.
OGT joined CO-LaN in 2017 with plans to make ProTreat a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation before introducing a CAPE-OPEN Thermodynamic socket in ProTreat. In 2021, following the changes in CO-LaN funding scheme decided in October 2020 at the Annual General Meeting of Members, OGT is an Associate Member in Group B, contributing to CO-LaN funding.
As of January 1, 2022, Optimized Gas Treating Inc. is an Associate Member in Group B as per the bylaws adopted on October 15, 2020.
Matt WALTERS was the representative of OGT from September till December 2017. Nate HATCHER became the representative of OGT within CO-LaN in December 2017. Prashanth CHANDRAN became the representative of OGT within CO-LaN in October 2022.
Activities in CO-LaN
Clay JONES, senior software developer at OGT, attended the CAPE-OPEN 2017 Annual Meeting on October 12-13, 2017. See the presentation made by Clay JONES on Optimized Gas Treating as a company and its expectations with respect to CAPE-OPEN.
In December 2017 OGT provided its comments on the proposal of a new general reporting interface for COBIA.
OGT submitted a bid for Consultancy Services following the call opened by CO-LaN in February 2019. OGT was among the Associate Members selected by CO-LaN to receive consultancy services: AmsterCHEM developed ProTreat as a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation with partial funding by CO-LaN and the work was completed to OGT satisfaction in October 2019.
Nate HATCHER attended the CAPE-OPEN 2018 Annual Meeting at BASF in Ludwigshafen, Germany. Steven FULK, OGT Technical Director, attended the CAPE-OPEN 2019 Annual Meeting at Shell in Asmterdam, The Netherlands. Steve gave a presentation on the “CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation for OGT simulation software” developed with support from CO-LaN through its Consultancy Services scheme. Steven FULK and Nate HATCHER attended the CAPE-OPEN 2020 Annual Meeting.
At CAPE-OPEN 2022 Annual Meeting, Simon WEILAND, applications engineer at OGT, presented the new ProTreat CAPE-OPEN Property Package, and demonstrated it working within UniSim Design and XChanger Suite. The new CAPE-OPEN Process Modelling Component was made commercially available in OGT Suite v8.0 on October 20, 2022.