Fives, an industrial engineering Group, designs and supplies machines, process equipment and production lines for the world’s largest industrial groups including the aluminium, steel, glass, automotive, aerospace, logistics, cement and energy sectors.
For the last twenty years Fives has developed its own suite of software for the design and simulation of brazed plate fin heat exchangers that they are manufacturing. This development has been made with the constant objective to bring a growing accuracy in the design of these exchangers. Thermodynamics have always been heavily involved in any of these calculations. Fives’ clients are asking for heat exchanger designs that are always more precise (reduced pinch, cost reduction, high pressure specifications, supercritical fluids…). In order to reduce any side effect of faulty thermodynamics, Fives would like to make use of whatever thermodynamic models developed by its clients for their mixtures of interest.
So their current plans is to make use of CAPE-OPEN technology in order to bridge the gap between their tools and third-party thermodynamic servers.
Dr Florian PICARD served as Fives representative in CO-LaN from April 2011 till October 2018. Dr David AVEROUS was the representative of Fives in CO-LaN from July 2021 till October 2022. Gaëtan BECKER was named representative of Fives in CO-LaN on October 3, 2022.
CAPE-OPEN related work:
Paper 710h titled “A New CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation Module for Simulation of Brazed Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers” by S. Dechelotte, O. Baudoin, A. Vacher, D. Averous, R. Egal, F. Picard, R. Sardeing was presented on November 7, 2013 at the AIChE 2013 Annual Meeting held in San Francisco, California.
Together with ProSim SA, Fives has developed a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation, ProSec. This Unit Operation for the simulation of brazed plate fin heat exchangers, is commercialized by ProSim SA.
Gaëtan BECKER attended the CAPE-OPEN 2022 Annual Meeting.