address : Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25
60486 Frankfurt am Main
phone : +49 069 75 64-0
Approval date : 30/1/2001
DECHEMA (Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology) is a not for profit engineering society based in Frankfurt on Main. DECHEMA’s main aim is to promote research and technical advances in the areas of chemical engineering, biotechnology and environmental protection.
DECHEMA’s Information Systems and Database department distributes databases covering different aspects of chemical technology, environmental protection and biotechnology. These databases are available as online and in-house databases. Among CAPE users the DECHEMA’s DETHERM database is well known as a prime source of dependable numerical data for thermo physical properties, which are typically used for design and optimisation of chemical plants and equipment. The database provides data for about 21,000 pure substances and 100,000 mixtures. It contains literature values, together with bibliographical information, descriptors and abstracts. At the present time 4.6 million data sets are stored in DETHERM. Among the main areas of focus are phase equilibrium data and electrolyte data.
Besides its thermodynamic property database the DECHEMA is developing and distributing program packages for performing thermodynamic calculations and the regression of (model-) parameters. The DECHEMA Data Preparation Package closes the gap between raw thermo physical data and model based process simulation packages. Besides selection and graphical display of data sets, the package permits the regression of model parameters as well as the comparison of models with each other. The package uses open interfaces for data retrieval and also to perform thermodynamic calculations. This enables CAPE users to choose among a variety of data sources and THERMO packages for data regression.
In addition to these activities DECHEMA’s Information and Database department is closely watching the distribution and implementation of CO’s PPDB standard for data exchange as well as the THRM standard for property calculation. Providing DECHEMA’s products with the markets best interfaces for plug and play operability is a priority for the development team.
As of January 1, 2021, DECHEMA e.V. is an Associate Member in Group C as per the bylaws adopted on October 15, 2020.
Dr. Richard SASS represented DECHEMA e.V. in CO-LaN from the beginning till his retirement in June 2016. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich WESTHAUS, also from the Information Systems and Databases department, is taking up the role or representative starting on August 2016.