address : Poststraße 12
10178 Berlin
phone : +49 (30) 59 00 99 0-0
Approval date : 22/02/2019
As of 2021, Capital-Gain Consultants GmbH (CGC) is an Associate Member in Group B.
A major development of Capital-Gain Consultants GmbH (CGC) is CC-API. CC-API is a member of the CHEMCAD Suite, just like CC-STEADY STATE, CC-DYNAMICS, CC-THERM, CC-SAFETY NET, CC-FLASH, or CC-BATCH. CC-API is the official Application Programming Interface for interfacing with CHEMCAD. It accesses CHEMCAD via the COM interface. It is endorsed by Chemstations, Inc. in Houston, TX (USA).
CC-API is a CGC Capital-Gain Consultants GmbH project. It was designed in partnership with Chemstations. CGC are developing a cloud-based offering, and therefore would like to stay in contact with the CAPE-OPEN developments.
In 2019 CGC actively participated in the review of the new funding model applied to CO-LaN.