address : 7197 Ridgeview Drive
Burnaby, BC
Canada V5A 4S1
phone : +1 604.299.7707
Approval date : 20/8/2008
Aurel Systems has been providing engineering software and services to the chemical engineering community for almost 30 years.Their CADSIM Plus software products are widely known and valued tools that chemical engineers use to design, troubleshoot, modify and optimize their chemical processes.
CADSIM Plus is easy-to-use chemical engineering software which allows to draw a process flowsheet while creating a process simulation model. It is a tool that can balance flowsheets and simulate dynamic conditions. CADSIM Plus is a full-featured CAD package and a first-principles dynamic chemical process simulator in one package.
Aurel Systems has not yet implemented CAPE-OPEN interfaces either as a socket or as a plug in its CADSIM Plus software products. The domain of dynamic simulation has not been much entered by CAPE-OPEN even if there is a draft interface specification for dynamic Unit Operations.