address : 20 Crosby Drive
phone : +1 781 221 6400
Approval date : 13/05/2003
Aspen Technology, Inc. (AspenTech) is a leading supplier of software and services to the process industries. Driving improvements across the complex processes that lie at the heart of process company operations, AspenTech helps customers to achieve operational excellence, enabling them to increase their profitability and optimize their business performance. Our engineering solutions help companies design and improve their plants and processes, maximizing returns throughout their operational life. AspenTech’s manufacturing/supply chain solutions allow companies to run their plants and supply chain more efficiently, from customer demand through to the delivery of the finished product. AspenTech has been involved in the definition of the CAPE-OPEN standard from the beginning and continues to work actively with the CO-LaN (CAPE-OPEN Laboratories Network) organization which now maintains the standard. AspenTech is an Associate Member of CO-LaN and has been a CO-LaN approved Consultant. AspenTech supports the CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation and Thermodynamics standards in its flagship simulation products Aspen Plus and Aspen HYSYS. The CAPE-OPEN standard makes it possible to develop Unit Operations and Property Packages that can be used by these AspenTech simulation products and by any other CAPE-OPEN compliant Simulation tool. Further, AspenTech has developed Wizard-style tools to help develop these types of software component more efficiently.
When CO-LaN was originally launched in 2001, AspenTech had concerns about the CO-LaN lack of commercial focus and Aspentech defined an organizational approach for CO-LaN that would ensure the success of CAPE-OPEN standards. As a result, CO-LaN made organizational status changes addressing AspenTech’s concerns leading to Aspentech joining CO-LaN in May 2003.
AspenTech was first represented in CO-LaN by Philippe MULLER (then Director, Product Marketing Aspen Engineering Suite) at the business level and by Michael HALLORAN, assisted by Daniel PINOL, at the technical level. Philippe MULLER led the negotiations between CO-LaN and Aspentech leading to AspenTech joining CO-LaN. Michael GOBLER served as sole representative of Aspentech in CO-LaN from January 2006 till February 2007. Hiren SHETHNA (then Development Director responsible for AspenTech’s process modeling infrastructure, primarily around Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus) served as representative from February 2007 till December 2010. David TREMBLAY was designated by Aspentech as representative in January 2011.
As of January 1, 2021, Aspen Technology Inc. is an Associate Member in Group A.
CAPE-OPEN related communication and work:
Within the first installment of Consultancy Services, Aspen Technology was approved as a CAPE-OPEN Consultant.
October 2002: Aspen Technology invited ATOFINA to speak on CAPE-OPEN at AspenWorld2002 in Washington D.C.
February 2004: Sergi SAMA and Daniel PINOL attended the 1st CAPE-OPEN European Conference in Skopau, Germany.
Paper on “Aspen Technology’s current and future support for CAPE-OPEN standards” at 3rd CAPE-OPEN US Conference
June 2018: review of proposal on economic dimension.
In 2019, Aspen Technology was awarded consultancy services by CO-LaN in order to improve their implementation of CAPE-OPEN interfaces in Aspen Plus.