address : Calle Las Rozas 32
04618 Las Rozas / Cuevas del Almanzora
Almería, SPAIN
phone : +34-670863337
Approval date : 23/11/2005
AmsterCHEM develops and distributes a number of Process Modelling Environments and Components implementing CAPE-OPEN interfaces. AmsterCHEM is providing consultancy work in various areas and especially on CAPE-OPEN. AmsterCHEM has been contracted by CO-LaN to deliver consultancy services to CO-LaN Associate Members (ChemSep, Honeywell Process Solutions, VORTech, Intelligen Inc., KBC Advanced Technologies, Heat Transfer Research Inc., Optimized Gas Treating Inc., Aspen Technologies Inc., Virtual Materials Group). AmsterCHEM has been contracted by CO-LaN to deliver software services and is also the main developer behind the CAPE-OPEN Binary Interop Architecture (COBIA).
AmsterCHEM develops and markets the COCO, the CAPE-OPEN to CAPE-OPEN steady-state flowsheet simulation environment that includes COFE as a PME as well as TEA as a Thermodynamic PMC. AmsterCHEM also develops and markets several applications implementing CAPE-OPEN like the MATLAB Unit Operation, the MATLAB Thermo Import, the Microsoft Excel Thermo Import, the Microsoft Excel Unit Operation, the OpenOffice Calc Thermo Import, the Scilab Unit Operation, the Scilab Thermo Import, the Python Thermo Import, etc…
Use of the above listed tools has been reported by several parties such as Professor Klaus MÖLLER from University of Cape Town within the CAPE-OPEN 2018 Annual Meeting.
As of January 1, 2021, AmsterCHEM is an Associate Member in Group B as per the bylaws adopted on October 15, 2020.
Activities within CO-LaN
AmsterCHEM co-leads the Thermo Special Interest Group. AmsterCHEM participates regularly to the activities of the UNIT Special Interest Group and of the Methods & Tools Special Interest Group.
AmsterCHEM presented at the 5th CAPE-OPEN European Conference (also known as the CAPE-OPEN 2008 Annual Meeting) on how Chemical Reaction Packages fit in the CAPE-OPEN framework.
AmsterCHEM presented at the 5th CAPE-OPEN US Conference on its proposal for Flowsheet Monitoring using CAPE-OPEN, a proposal that formed the basis of the CAPE-OPEN Flowsheet Monitoring interface specification subsequently developed by the Methods & Tools Special Interest Group.