The Interoperability Special Interest Group (SIG) met from 10 am till 11 am European Central Time.


Lessons learnt, TLB/PIA installers, COLTT, COBIA induced changes


Malcolm WOODMAN, Michael HALLORAN (Contractor for CO-LaN), Michel PONS (Contractor for CO-LaN as Chief Technology Officer)


An additional conclusion proposed by Linde Engineering was added to the document on lessons learnt from the development of installers for the CAPE-OPEN Type Libraries/Primary Interop Assemblies. The document is ready for distribution within CO-LaN.

A recurring issue raised about CAPE-OPEN entries in the Windows Registry was discussed: emphasis will be made at the CAPE-OPEN 2017 Annual Meeting on the benefits achieved by any software vendor taking advantage of the installers provided by CO-LaN for the Type Libraries and Primary Interop Assemblies. The COLTT Roadmap will be modified to include a function for checking the CAPE-OPEN related entries in the Windows Registry.

An issue raised on COLTT 64-bit version a,nd especially its installation, was also briefly discussed without any conclusive remark yet.

Regarding COBIA, the proposals made by the Methods & Tools Special Interest Group (SIG) on persistence and threading were discussed in the light of the feedback received from the Methods & Tools SIG since the last Interoperability SIG conference call. On persistence, since COMBIA will preserve interoperability on persistence with legacy COM PMEs and PMCs, the Interoperability SIG has no further concern. On the threading model, the Interoperability SIG emphasizes that COBIA should support multi-threading and should make multi-threading easy for developers.

Next conference call is scheduled for September 7, 2017.


Any CO-LaN member with interest in the development of the set of software tools offered by CO-LaN is welcome to join. Please contact Malcolm WOODMAN, leader of the Interoperability SIG for further information.