The Interoperability SIG met on October 23, 2017 from 9 am till 10 am European Central Time.
COLTT Roadmap, how to distribute an extended IDL
Malcolm WOODMAN, Michael HALLORAN (Contractor for CO-LaN), Michel PONS (Contractor for CO-LaN as Chief Technology Officer)
Actions decided upon following the presentations and discussions at the CAPE-OPEN 2017 Annual Meeting
- Test that with a “per user” install of the TLBs/PIAs (which doesn’t update the GAC), then software can still find the PIA installed in user directories
- Test HTRI‘s XChanger Suite and Multiflash from KBC Advanced Technologies on a clean build machine, to prove whether the non-installing of the Type Libraries by either software causes a problem
Other actions
- A v1.2 Type Library Installer, including the Flowsheet Monitoring IDL has been developed. Verify its contents.
- Merge current technical specification of COLTT and COLTT roadmap documents into a single document
Next conference is scheduled for November 13, 2017. It will be entirely devoted to the development of a proposal for the type library installers.
Any CO-LaN member with interest in the development of the set of software tools offered by CO-LaN is welcome to join. Please contact Malcolm WOODMAN, leader of the Interoperability SIG for further information.