The UNIT Special Interest Group held a conference call today from 3:30 pm till 4:30 pm Central European Time.
Progress the Petroleum Fractions interface specification.
AVEVA (represented by Krishna Murthy PENUKONDA), AmsterCHEM (represented by Jasper van BATEN), KBCAT (represented by Richard SZCZEPANSKI), Michel PONS (Contractor for CO-LaN as Chief Technology Officer)
Use Case 004 (Ref-UNIT Sets Petroleum Properties in Outlet Material Connections) and Use Case 005 (Ref-UNIT performs calculation on a temporary Material Object) are finalized. Use Case 004 describes how the Refinery Unit Operation sets new values of petroleum properties on Material Objects connected to outlet Ports. In particular the description stresses out when and how the operation CompletePetroProperties should be used. Use Case 005 is along the same line but specific to temporary Material Objects like the ones a Refinery Unit Operation will request the PME to create in order to conduct some internal calculations.
At this stage the document describing the petroleum fractions interface specification contains a summary, a roadmap section as well as an introduction which sets the scene on petroleum fractions and petroleum properties by describing what is the usual workflow to represent crude oil.
A scope section then states that the interface specification is meant to enable flowsheet simulations to deal with petroleum properties via petroleum fractions. The different petroleum properties are described in terms of purpose and of granularity (bulk property, compound property, curve property). The several possible strategies to manage changes of properties attached to petroleum fractions, in the context of flowsheet simulation, are listed and the choice made for the interface specification is explicited.
The next section lists the requirements to be met by the interface specification design, before moving to a description of five use cases which are, for some of them, an extension of use cases present in the Unit Operation interface specification.
All the above sections have been reviewed during the recent UNIT SIG meetings and are completed except for the use case diagram, the sequence diagram and the interface diagram.
The description of each method of the interface is given next in section 4.5 and seems to be mostly complete at this stage. The notes on the interface specification (section 5) needs to be polished while section 6 (glossary) needs still much work.
Since the design is frozen with respect to the scope given to the interface specification and since progress has been good the last three meetings, the UNIT Special Interest Group is nowadays rather confident that the document will be finalized in the next few months.
The next meeting of the UNIT Special Interest Group dedicated to the Petroleum Fractions interface specification is scheduled for December 12, 2018.