Thermo Special Interest Group (Thermo SIG) met on July 19, 2022 from 11 am till 1 pm (Central European Time).
Draft the Manager Common Interface Specification
BASF (represented by Sergej BLAGOV), AmsterCHEM (represented by Jasper van BATEN), University of Cape Town represented by Klaus MÖLLER, Michel PONS (Consultant as Chief Technology Officer).
Thermo SIG progressed further the CAPE-OPEN interface specification for Managers.
First Thermo SIG updated Klaus MÖLLER on the progress made during the meeting Y2022-25.
Then Thermo SIG revised and modified the description of the design decision regarding creating a Primary PMC object from persistence.
Next Thermo SIG reviewed the requirement making mandatory the support of persistence by a Primary Process Modelling Component object created by a Manager. Reference to the corresponding design decision was introduced.
Thermo SIG dropped the requirement that a Manager, advertising it supports creation from scratch of a Primary PMC object, abides to this promise. There can be several reasons, mostly independent of the Manager, for creation to fail while the Manager supports the process of creation from scratch.
Thermo SIG developed further the rationale of the requirement making mandatory for the PME to call ICapeUtilities::Initialize on the Primary PMC object created by a Manager. Even if this requirement strictly belongs to the Utilities Common Interface Specification, it appeared necessary to restate this requirement here, especially to make clear that the Manager is not meant to call ICapeUtilities::Initialize on the Primary PMCs it creates, but rather the PME must do so.
Thermo SIG reviewed comments made on the current state of the Use Case section of the specification document: Use Cases “Create and Initialize a Manager”, “Enumerate Managers”, “Enumerate Templates available in a Manager”, “Select a Template” were addressed.
Next meeting, initially scheduled for July 26, 2022, was rescheduled to August 9, 2022.