The Thermo SIG met from 10:30 am till 12:30 pm (Central European Time).
Chemical Reactions interface specification.
BASF (represented by Sergej BLAGOV), AmsterCHEM (represented by Jasper van BATEN), Shell Global Solutions (represented by Mark STIJNMAN), Michel PONS (Consultant as CTO)
Chemical Reactions interface specification.
Thermo SIG reviewed the introduction to the chapter on Compound Slates (chapter 6 out of 7) that has been proposed by Mark STIJNMAN over the last week. After some revision, the proposed text has been inserted in the document (chapter 6): the new introduction provides a more applied description of what multiple compound slates are meant to achieve than the previous introduction which was mostly theoretical.
Then Thermo SIG addressed comments made previously further in the text by Sergej BLAGOV and Mark STIJNMAN.
The concepts of Compound Server and Compound Client are now chosen to simplify the description of the interfaces in this chapter. These concepts are already used extensively in the description of requirements. These concepts need to be applied in the description of Use Cases. Application was made in Use Case UC-CS-01 where the Compound Client (previously designated as the PME) queries the Compound Server (previously designated as a Property Package) for the Compound Slates it proposes. Other Use Cases are to be transformed off-line for next conference call.
Class diagrams for Material Object supporting Reactive Equilibria and for Material Object supporting multiple Compound Slates were revised and simplification in the graphical layout by making use of a base class of Material Object was decided upon and will be experimented for next conference call.
Thermo SIG discussed requirements on the Default Compound Slate, especially the one imposing that its composition must always be defined by fractions in the [0,1] range. Modifications in the wording pertaining to this in requirements, use cases and description of the GetCompoundSlateInfo operation will be prepared for next conference call.
The next conference call is scheduled for May 26, 2020.