The Thermo SIG met from 10:30 am till 12:30 pm (Central European Time).
BASF (represented by Sergej BLAGOV), AmsterCHEM (represented by Jasper van BATEN), Shell Global Solutions represented by Mark STIJNMAN, Michel PONS (Consultant as CTO)
Revision of the Chemical Reaction interface specification.
After much discussion going back to basic concepts in CAPE-OPEN overall design, Thermo SIG chose to delete the argument in operation CalcEquilibrium of ICapeThermoEquilibriumRoutineEx interface that made it possible to disable reactions in a phase equilibrium calculation. The point made is that the client of a Phase Equilibrium calculation should not turn on/off the consideration of chemical reactions. It is at a higher level that the distinction between Reactive Phase Equilibrium and non-reactive Phase Equilibrium should take place. When configuring a Property Package, a choice will have to be made to take or not into account reactions.
Next conference call is scheduled for December 17, 2019.