The Methods & Tools Special Interest Group met at from 4 pm till 5:30 pm Central European Time.
COBIA Threading models
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (represented by Bill BARRETT), AmsterCHEM (represented by Jasper van BATEN), Bryan Research & Engineering (represented by Michael HLAVINKA), Michel PONS (contractor to CO-LaN as Chief Technology Officer).
Methods & Tools Special Interest Group went through the revision of the document describing Threading models, as developed by Bill BARRETT since the previous meeting.
Attention was brought to the section titles (like section 3 and its sub-sections) and to the flow of information given throughout the document, building on the experience gained from creating the presentation made at the CAPE-OPEN 2022 Annual Meeting. For example the fact that CAPE-OPEN Process Modelling Components have a state, mentioned in the presentation, was introduced in the document.