The Methods and Tools Special Interest Group met today from 5 pm till 6:.30 pm Central European Time.
COBIA Threading model
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (represented by Bill BARRETT), AmsterCHEM (represented by Jasper van BATEN), Bryan Research & Engineering (represented by Michael HLAVINKA), Michel PONS (contractor to CO-LaN as Chief Technology Officer)
Modern computers have multiple processor cores that can be used concurrently to improve the performance of software applications. Each processor core provides separate threads of operations that must be managed efficiently to maximize capabilities applicable to CAPE software tools. Within COBIA, CAPE-OPEN needs to provide a common approach to development of multithreaded computer-aided process engineering (CAPE) applications.
Today’s conference call has revisited the COBIA Threading Model which was developed till May 2018. That model relied on the definition of a dedicated API involving two functions: PrepareForUseInDifferentThread and PrepareForUseInCurrentThread.
It appears now that a CAPE-OPEN PMC should somehow advertise that it can only be accessed from a single thread by a PME or if it supports being called from different threads.
The next meeting of the Methods and Tools Special Interest Group is scheduled for September 11, 2019.