The Methods and Tools Special Interest Group met from 5 pm till 6:30 pm Central European Time.
Memo on COBIA licensing
Bill BARRETT (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), Jasper van BATEN (AmsterCHEM), Michael HLAVINKA (Bryan Research & Engineering), Michel PONS (CO-LaN)
The meeting was focused on reviewing the memo to be delivered to CO-LaN Management Board on the licensing of COBIA. The memo had been worked upon a while ago, then put aside and was recently re-drafted. As decided by CO-LaN Management Board, CO-LaN will be seeking legal advice on which license scheme to adopt in order to fulfill the requirements set by CO-LaN.
CO-LaN has already stated that COBIA is meant to be as widely distributed and used as possible. In order to make that happens, the licensing scheme needs to bring legal security to developers of software based on COBIA and to users of such software, while preserving CO-LaN.
During today conference call, the Methods & Tools Special Interest Group has gone over the material used as introduction to the memo and has described the dependencies present in COBIA, including the licenses under which they are distributed. The Methods & Tools Special Interest Group is focusing on the technical aspects of COBIA distribution. A more accurate description of how the deliverables of the COBIA Project, and especially of its Phase II, are organized and distributed will be addressed at the next M&T SIG conference call to be held on July 5, 2018.