The Methods and Tools Special Interest Group met from 5 pm till 6:40 pm Central European Time.
Analysis of answers to survey on economic dimension.
Bill BARRETT (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), Michael HLAVINKA (Bryan Research & Engineering), Jasper van BATEN (AmsterCHEM), Michel PONS (CO-LaN)
On May 30, 2018 CO-LaN issued a survey to its membership on the need of an economic dimension within the dimensionality vector carried by any parameter.
Following the first answers to the survey, the need for an economic dimension is felt as present. Consequently, based on a preliminary document put together by Bill BARRETT, the design was discussed of what comes together with an economic dimension in the dimensionality vector.
Using ISO4217 as the reference for currencies (as pointed out by NETL) makes sense, especially since the former currencies are also embedded in the standard.
Several aspects of the design were investigated. Among them: when and how the curency choice of a PMC may be changed, the number of currencies a PMC may use simultaneously within its parameters, the need for a PMC to advertise its currency to its client, the impact of localization and hence currency on the contents of a report generated by a PMC, where currency conversion needs to take place, the choice of object to carry interfaces related to economics.
At this stage, it appears that an interface is needed on the Parameter Collection Owner to advertise the currency in which parameters with an economic dimension are expressed. The currency conversion functionality appears to belong on the PME side. It is still unclear if the currency conversion functionality needs to be defined together with the economic dimension and the interface on the Parameter Owner.
CO-LaN members are strongly encouraged to contribute further to the discussion by answering the survey sent to them on May 30.
The next conference call is scheduled for June 13, 2018.