Methods & Tools SIG held a conference call from 5 pm till 6 pm Central European Time.
Agenda: Request For Comment on Flowsheet Monitoring interface specification, IDL for Flowsheeting Monitoring
Participants: Bill BARRETT (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), Jasper van BATEN (AmsterCHEM), Michael HLAVINKA (BR&E), Michel PONS (CTO)
Outcome: the scenarios of use expressed in chapter 3 were discussed, especially the limitations introduced by the constrant that a Flowsheet Monitoring Component is not allowed to modify the value of a Parameter of a Unit Operation. It was decided to introduce a scenario explaining how a WAste Reduction algorithm, used for evaluating environmental impacts of process designs, can be introduced as a Flowsheet Monitoring Component. Bill BARRETT will write up the scenario. A scenario about archiving multiple runs of the same Flowsheet for further analysis will be described by Michel PONS. Michel PONS will also contact ENSIACET to verify that the current design allows a scenario of exergy analysis of a Flowsheet. Jasper van BATEN will develop a first draft of the IDL corresponding to the textual specification. Michel PONS will contact the Interop SIG to prepare for including that IDL, once public release of the specification is allowed, that is after a review process is completed, in the CAPE-OPEN IDL.
Next conference call is scheduled for October 11, 2017.