The Methods & Tools Special Interest Group held its monthly meeting dedicated to revision of common interface specifications on January 6, 2016 from 5 pm till 7 pm Central European Time.
- Bill BARRETT (US Environmental Protection Agency),
- Jasper van BATEN (AmsterCHEM),
- Michael HLAVINKA and Jorge MARTINIS (Bryan Research & Engineering),
- Michel PONS (CO-LaN)
Method and Tools Guidelines (Status of Digital Key for PIA signing, status of Type Library)
Parameter Errata & Clarifications (public release status)
Persistence Errata & Clarifications (edits to be made)
Utilities Errata & Clarifications (edits to be made)
COSE Simulation Context (Update on implementation of mechanism for PME to request PMC halt calculation)
Outcome: Added a summary to the Persistence E&C document.. The persistence E&C document was approved by the SIG to be sent for peer review.
Began editing the Utilities E&C document: first issue is which process modeling components (PMCs) are primary PMCs that must implement ICapeUtilities.One item of agreement is that future business specification documents need to state clearly which PMCs are primary PMCs requiring implementation of ICapeUtilties.