The Methods and Tools Special Interest Group met from 5 pm till 6:30 pm Central European Time.
Transition strategy on COBIA
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (represented by Bill BARRETT), AmsterCHEM (represented by Jasper van BATEN), Bryan Research & Engineering (represented by Michael HLAVINKA), Michel PONS (contractor to CO-LaN as Chief Technology Officer)
The meeting addressed how to perform and what is needed to address the de-persistence of a Flowsheet that contains PMCs which have been moved to COBIA since the Flowsheet was persisted (previously these PMCs were COM-based PMCs). A number of different cases are considered. For example, is the PME only COM-based, or is it also relying on COBIA?
The interactions between the PME, COMBIA and the PMC are established and the need for additional interfaces, both on COMBIA and on the PMC, is described through a variety of scenarios.
The transition strategy will be covered during the training course on COBIA scheduled for October 8, 2018 at BASF in Ludwigshafen, Germany.
Next conference call is scheduled for September 19, 2018.