- Apologies of absence
- Previous Minutes
- Annual Meeting
- 2018 Attendee feedback
- CAPE-OPEN Survey
- 2019 Annual Meeting
- MPT contract hours
- Licence Proposal for CO-LaN software
- Actions Review
BASF (represented by Peter MAUER), The Dow Chemical Company (represented by Isaiah HUANG), Linde Engineering (represented by Oliver KOCH), Shell Global Solutions (represented by Richard BAUR), Michel PONS (Contractor as Chief Technology Officer), Bryn STENHOUSE (Contractor). Apologies for absence received from Air Liquide and BP.
- The minutes of the October 2018 Management Board meeting were approved.
- Feedback by participants to CAPE-OPEN 2018 Annual Meeting: so far only a few participants have provided feedback. Of these, most are happy with the agenda and state that they enjoyed the meeting.
- Feedback on the COBIA training course: the overall feedback is also positive with all attendees managing to achieve a working interface during the course. However, some attendees thought that there was too many software engineering details in the workshop. Appears that a training course, on some aspect of CAPE-OPEN, should always be offered along with the Annual Meeting.
- CAPE-OPEN survey: IChemE, SFGP, ProSim SA, TU Berlin have provisionally agreed to forward the CAPE-OPEN survey link to their members. This should provide a much wider response to the survey. An article is being prepared for the IChemE newsletter, describing CAPE-OPEN and encouraging readers to complete the CAPE-OPEN survey.
- CAPE-OPEN 2019 Annual Meeting: it is anticipated that timing will be within October 2019. Dates of the main software vendor meetings will be checked to ensure the CAPE-OPEN session is not at the same time as one of these.
- MPT contract hours: an extension of 100 man-hours to the 2018 contract hours for MPT was agreed.
- Licence Proposal for CO-LaN software: a legal review of requirements, and a recommendation on the way forward, will be required. Legal counsel to be contacted to establish a budget cost for legal input.
Next meeting is scheduled for December 13, 2018.