Attendees: BP (represented by P. BANKS), DOW (represented by W. MERK and K. IRONS), IFP (represented by B. BRAUNSCHWEIG), Norsk Hydro (represented by K. W. MATHISEN, TotalFinaElf (represented by Michel PONS).
Apologies were received from H. PINGEN from Shell who was unable to attend the meeting.
Approval of application for Associate Membership from the following organizations:
- EPCON International, represented by Todd WILLMAN
- CPERI, Univ. Thessaloniki, Greece, represented by Professor Costas KIPARISSIDES
- COSMOlogic GmbH, represented by Dr Andreas KLAMT
- CAPEC-DTU, represented by Professor Rafiqul GANI
- PSE Ltd, represented by Professor Costas PANTELIDES
- Virtual Materials Group, represented by Marco SATYRO
- Fluent Inc., represented by Madhava SYAMLAL
- TÜV SÜD NEL Ltd, represented by Dr Alan SCOTT
The Board of Directors welcomed these new Associate Members.