VMG wrapped first VMGThermo, its thermodynamic server as a CAPE-OPEN compliant Thermo System and Property Package Manager. In November 2000, VMG’s experience with CAPE-OPEN thermodynamic interfaces was reported at Hyprotech 2000 User’s Conference held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
In March 2007, Andrew VIELER attended the 4th CAPE-OPEN European Conference held in Heidelberg, Gerrmany.
In 2008, VMG provided CO-LaN with a license of VMGThermo in order to let CO-LaN conduct interoperability tests.
In September 2013, Sergi SAMA and Nicolau GOULA from VMG Europe participated to the CAPE-OPEN 2013 Annual Meeting and presented on their successul tests of VMGThermo as a CAPE-OPEN versatile Property Package Manager.
VMG was funded by the Consultancy Services scheme in 2015 to provide support for CAPE-OPEN Unit Operations in VMGSim. In August 2016, Raul COTA, V.P. Research and Development at VMG, after having initially warmly welcomed the Consultancy Services offered, stated “my experience working with Jasper/AmsterCHEM was excellent. It is a joy to work with him. That said, at this point we have not seen much benefit from our efforts with CAPE-OPEN.”
Raul COTA notified CO-LaN on January 13, 2021 that VMG “decided to not proceed with the CO-LaN membership at this point. We do not see enough interest to justify it.” A formal resignation notice has been received on February 9, 2021 signed by Raul COTA in his new role as Symmetry Program Manager within Schlumberger. On February 11, 2021, CO-LaN Management Board acknowledged VMG’s decision and cancelled VMG’s membership in CO-LaN.