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Following the Request for Bids 002 published in May 2001, CO-LaN has selected ProSim SA for the development of a tester for Physical Properties Data Bases components.
CAPE-OPEN Testers automatically exercise external components in order to check their compliance with the published CAPE-OPEN interface specifications. These Testers all together form a Tester Suite. The project is to develop a new CO-tester software (called PPDB CO-tester) to check the compliance with the specifications for CAPE-OPEN Physical Properties DataBases services (PPDB).
The PPDB CO-tester was developed in order to be downloaded from the CO-LAN web site and shares the look-and-feel and report generation mechanisms of the existing CO-testers (UNIT CO-tester, THRM CO-tester).
The PPDB CO-tester is composed of COM components which are plugged inside the curent CO-Tester Suite following the architecture described below. It is developed using Borland Delphi 5 (Object Oriented Pascal).

IPPDBTesterView: this component (interface) defines the connection between the PPDB CO-tester and the existing CO-tester, the logical management of the needed windows and the management of calls to the required compliance tests defined in the IPPDBTester component (interface).
IPPDBTester: this component (interface) defines the different compliance tests and the report generation mechanisms. It is called from IPPDBTesterView, but it is also possible to call it from any software system.