Florence comes to CO-LaN with an experience as project manager and coordinator within international, multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environments. Florence graduated in 2012 with a Master in Communication and International Trade from IFCIM (Institut de Formation au Commerce International de Mazamet, France).
Floor & Cie is providing services to CO-LaN as office manager with the following tasks:
- With oversight from the CO-LaN Secretary and the Chief Technology Officer (CTO), prepare the agenda for the monthly management board telcons and biannual face-to-face meetings, and manage each meeting against the agenda,
- Keep track of the tasks associated with the Management Board meetings and their progress,
- Support the Management Board and the CTO with preparations for the CAPE-OPEN Annual Meetings.
- Keep track of the membership list and changes of representative, seek approval from the Management Board for new members and other membership-related decisions,
- Using input provided by the CTO and the Management Board, create news and information posts and publish these to the CO-LaN website and social media feeds,
- Working with the CO-LaN Treasurer, prepare and issue membership invoices, keep track of membership payments, and prepare the annual financial report,
- Maintain software subscriptions as required by the CTO and approved by the Management Board,
- As propose by the CTO and approve by the Management Board, draft and update contracts, between CO-LaN and its suppliers, obtain signatuires from contracted parties,
- Maintain the Management Board area of the CO-LaN document repository.
CO-LaN chose Floor & Cie after a exhaustive selection process, and entered a first contract with Floor & Cie on April 1, 2022.
- April 1, 2022 till November 30, 2022 (for a maximum of 225 hours)
- December 1, 2022 till December 31, 2023 (for a maximum of 300 hours)