The missions of the CO-LaN are:
- User priorities for CAPE-OPEN standards: work with software vendors to clarify user priorities for process modelling software component/environment interoperability and also to promote communication and cooperation among CAPE software vendors to insure that the CO standards actually translate into commercially valuable interoperability;
- Exploitation and dissemination: promote the CAPE-OPEN standard to end-users and distribute CAPE-OPEN information and technology internationally;
- CAPE-OPEN interface specifications life cycle management: organize the maintenance, evolution, and expansion of the specifications;
- Testing, interoperability facilitation: supply compliance testers to support development of components, organize interoperability tests between suppliers of PMCs (Process Modelling Components) and PMEs (Process Modelling Environments)
- Training/Migration facilitation: ensure that training modules, guidelines and tools to facilitate component wrapping are developed and available.
These missions are carried out through actions of the CO-LaN Management Board, actions of Special Interest Groups, services supplied by contractors, training sessions, user meetings, etc… The deliverables range from documentation (mostly interface specifications or errata and clarifications brought to interface specifications), source code examples, software tools, consultancy services, training material, presentations on various aspects of CAPE-OPEN within meetings organized by CO-LaN or other parties.
Any organization or individual with interest in CAPE software interoperability is invited to join CO-LaN.