Within the ICheaP-7 conference organized by AIDIC in Taormina-Giardini Naxos, Italy from May 15 till May 18, 2005, Michel PONS presented (PDF, 2590 Kbytes) on the tools made available by CO-LaN in order to support the migration to the CAPE-OPEN standard.
After briefly introducing CAPE-OPEN, its architecture and its documentation set, he supported the statement that a software market is developing based on CAPE-OPEN software components.
CO-LaN recognizes that developers need to be helped in their migration to CAPE-OPEN. Documents, software, services and meetings constitute the set of tools put together by CO-LaN. Michel PONS details each of the tools currently made available.
CO-LaN is aware that new support tools will be necessary and has launched the development of a logging tool which will sit in between a CAPE-OPEN Process Modelling Environment and a CAPE-OPEN Process Modelling Component. A prototype is already available and is being tested by several software vendors.