Versions of software in use
Multiflash is at version 3.7 (MF_CAPEOPEN.dll version)
ChemCAD is used.
A material Stream is flashed under the conditions described below:

The MultiFlash Property Package is used as a CAPE-OPEN Property Package under version 1.0 of the CAPE-OPEN standard.
To check that the material stream has been properly flashed using Multiflash, a flash calculation is performed within COFE under the very same conditions using the same MultiFlash Property Package. Some results are presented in the table below.
Pressure 1 bar
Temperature 25°C
Flowrate 1 mole/sec
Mole fraction WATER 0.8
Mole fraction ETHANOL 0.2
Enthalpy (result) -37643.504 kcal/hr
Molar vapor fraction (result) 0
CO-LaN is not making any recommendation about usage of either software demonstrated here. Neither CO-LaN is providing any guaranty that these two pieces of software will perform adequately through CAPE-OPEN interfaces in all circumstances. The result of this test is provided solely for demonstration purposes.