Air Liquide is interested in using CAPE-OPEN in the area of thermodynamic properties and unit operations to improve the engineering processes for its core business to supply industrial gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and others to many different industry branches.
CAPE-OPEN activities
In 2006, Philippe ARPENTINIER presented the Air Liquide approach with respect to CAPE and Property Packages at the 3rd CAPE-OPEN European Conference.
Air Liquide joined the Management Board on November 25, 2010. Air Liquide serves as Treasurer of CO-LaN since 2015 and has been re-elected to this position in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
Air Liquide hosted the April 2, 2019 face-to-face meeting of the CO-LaN Management Board at their Paris Innovation Center in Jouy-en-Josas, France.