Migration cookbook
A Migration cookbook (PDF, 112 KB) has been delivered by the Global CAPE-OPEN project to assist with migration of legacy software to the CAPE-OPEN standard. It addresses migration issues, strategies, methods and tools as well as experiences.
Back in the 2000s Aspentech developed a Unit Operation wizard as a plug-in for Visual Basic 6.0. The Wizard was made available to CO-LaN through the Global CAPE-OPEN project and later on enhanced furthermore by Aspentech. It is no longer maintained but shaped the structure of the other flavours of Unit Operation Wizards developed afterwards.
Hyprotech (now Aspentech) developed a Thermodynamic and Physical Properties component wizard that was also made available to CO-LaN. This is the only known Wizard of that kind and is now obsolete since it was relying on Visual Studio 6.0.
Other Unit Operation Wizards are also available through various channels: one is for Unit Operations written in .NET (developed at MOSE), one for Unit Operations written in C++ (donated to CO-LaN by IFP) and one for Unit Operations written in FORTRAN 90 by ProSim (donated by TOTAL). Both the C++ and FORTRAN 90 wizards are available only to the CO-LaN membership upon request. ProSim offers a training course to learn how to use the CAPE-OPEN FORTRAN Unit Operation Wizard.
Further more an open source Unit Operation Wizard for Borland Delphi (donated by SASOL) is publicly available from its SourceForge repository.
To be true, Wizards have not been well considered by advanced developers. However the Wizard for Unit Operations in VB6 was put to use successfully by people without much experience in programming. Also the Wizard developed by ProSim is still much in use, is well maintained and offers indeed a functionality which is sought after by people who do not want to invest in advanced programming.
Wizards are coming back into play with COBIA. During the COBIA training course given in October 2018 in Ludwigshafen, trainees experienced with a code generator of a Unit Operation which, while not providing the same advanced features in terms of user interaction as the Wizard by ProSim does, is fulfilling the same objective.