COCO’s Thermodynamics for Engineering Applications (TEA), is based on the code of the thermodynamic library of ChemSep and includes a data bank of over 430 commonly used chemicals. The package exhibits more than 100 property calculation methods with their analytical or numerical derivatives.
TEA 3.5 was released on May 3, 2021 as part of COCO.
Reported use of TEA in literature:
The University of Jordan: Attarakih, M., Al-Zyod, S., Abu-Khader, M., & Bart, H. J. (2012). PPBLAB: A new multivariate population balance environment for particulate system modelling and simulation. In Procedia Engineering (Vol. 42, pp. 1445–1462). Elsevier Ltd and Attarakih, M., Alzyod, S., & Fricke, A. (2017). Population balance modelling of pulsed packed bed extraction columns using PPBLab software. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 40, pp. 67–72). Elsevier B.V.