One of the deliverables of the “GCO Support” European-funded project, the first CAPE-OPEN Event, took place in Milan on Sep 14th, 2001. It was hosted by EniTecnologie in San Donato Milanese, Italy.
Agenda :
- Introduction to CAPE-OPEN objectives, projects and technology by Bertrand Braunschweig (IFP), Global CAPE-OPEN co-ordinator
- Achievements: interfaces, thermo and unit operations interoperability démos by Michael Halloran (AspenTech), Daniel Piñol (Hyprotech) and Pascal Roux (IFP)
- Value capture for an operating company by Peter Banks (BP)
- Other interfaces: Solvers, optimisation by Costas Pantelides (Imperial College and PSE Ltd.)
- CO-LaN objectives and technology by Michel Pons (TotalFinaElf)