address : Department of Chemical Engineering
Technical University of Denmark
Søltofts Plads
DTU - Building 229
DK- 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
phone : +45 45 25 28 00
Approval date : 28/8/2002
PROSYS originally joined CO-LaN as CAPEC. PROSYS was created in June of 2014 as a result of the merger between the Computer Aided Process Engineering Center (CAPEC) and the Center for Process Engineering and Technology (PROCESS)
- Establish CAPEC as a center of excellence for research & education in computer aided process engineering (CAPE) and process systems engineering (PSE).
- Establish a consortium of industrial member companies.
- Develop of state of the art technologies in the area of CAPE/PSE through collaboration/partnership with industrial member companies & academic institutions.
- Partnerships with Nordic CAPE/PSE centers.
- Efficient but flexible management with emphasis on education, research & service to industrial member companies.
- Play a leading role in the national and international chemical engineering & CAPE/PSE communities.
CAPEC was a member of the Global CAPE-OPEN project and a founding Member of CO-LaN.
As of January 1, 2021, PROSYS is an Associate Member in Group C as per the bylaws adopted on October 15, 2020.
Professor GANI was the representative of CAPEC in CO-LaN since CAPEC joined and till Professor GANI retired from DTU at the end of 2017. Associate Professor Seyed Soheil MANSOURI was designated as representative of PROSYS on June 17, 2021.
CAPE-OPEN related activities
CAPEC/PROSYS conducted several research projects involving CAPE-OPEN and published:
Interoperability between Modelling Tools (MoT) with Thermodynamic Property Prediction Packages (Simulis® Thermodynamics) and Process Simulators (ProSimPlus) Via CAPE-OPEN Standards, together with ProSim SA.
Use of CAPE-OPEN standards in the interoperability between modelling tools (MoT) and process simulators (Simulis® Thermodynamics and ProSimPlus), also together with ProSim SA.