The CAPE-OPEN 2019 Annual Meeting is organized on October 22 and October 23, 2019 at Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam (STCA), home to around 1000 employees – technologists, researchers, engineers, lab assistants, consultants and others. CO-LaN Management Board thanks Shell for making available the meeting space necessary for the meeting. This meeting is one of a long list of similar events such as the ones held at Linde in 2016, at BP in 2017 and at BASF in 2018. CAPE-OPEN Annual Meetings provide a unique opportunity to discuss and exchange about CAPE-OPEN. Everyone is welcome.

Participants have enjoyed a large set of varied presentations, lively discussions and have left the meeting with new ideas on how to make use of CAPE-OPEN. Professor MÖLLER who came for the second time to a CAPE-OPEN Annual Meeting while having used CAPE-OPEN for a number of years in teaching and research at University of Cape Town stated “The Amsterdam meeting was excellent. I will follow up with ideas that were suggested with a number of people.”.

Presentations are discussing use of CAPE-OPEN, both in software development and software usage, needs to be met by CAPE-OPEN, both in terms of specifications and implementations.

October 22, 2019 morning

StartEndModePresenter and title
8:459:00WelcomeRichard BAUR (Shell): Welcome address
9:0010:00LiveAnders THOSDRUP (Shell): The IOGP Capital Facilities Information Handover Specification and its relation to other standards
10:0010:25LiveMartin HORSCH (UK Research and Innovation): VIrtual Materials Market Place project and its possible relationship with CAPE-OPEN.
10:4511:15RemoteRalf NOTZ (BASF): CAPE-OPEN interface boosts your engineering workflow
11:1511:40LiveGregor TOLKSDORF (Evonik): Evonik’s vision of process simulation in the near future: How could CAPE-OPEN come into play?
11:4012:05LiveJasper van BATEN (AmsterCHEM): Activity report of the Thermo SIG Special Interest Group
12:0512:30LiveNefeli NOVAK (National Technical University of Athens): UMR-PRU thermodynamic model: application to natural gas processing


October 22, 2019 afternoon

StartEndModePresenter and title
13:3013:55LiveKlaus MOLLER (University of Cape Town): The use of CAPE-OPEN tools in research at the University of Cape Town
13:5514:20LiveRichard SZCZEPANSKI (KBC): Development of the Multiflash CAPE-OPEN Interface
14:2014:45LiveSteven FULK (Optimized Gas Treating, Inc.): ProTreat® a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation
14:4515:15LiveMichael HLAVINKA (Bryan Research & Engineering): Activity report of Methods & Tools Special Interest Group
15:3516:00LiveJasper van BATEN (AmsterCHEM): Using COSMOtherm predictions in process simulations
16:0016:25LiveMark STIJNMAN (Shell): Towards CAPE-OPEN 2 – Thinking about the future
16:2516:55LiveMalcolm WOODMAN (Consultant): Business requirements of Certification
16:5518:00DiscussionMalcolm WOODMAN (Consultant): Round table discussion


October 23, 2019 morning

StartEndModePresenter and title
8:3009:15AGMRichard BAUR (Shell): Annual General Meeting of CO-LaN Members
09:1509:45LiveKannan MOUDGALYA (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay): Raising the working levels of the chemical engineering community through process simulation
10:1510:45LiveKrishna Murthy PENUKONDA (AVEVA): Activity report of UNIT SIG
10:4511:15LiveDavid KRONE (TU Berlin): Mixed-Integer Optimization in GAMS using CAPE-OPEN Thermodynamics via MOSAICmodeling and COBIA for Conceptual Design
11:1511:45LiveMalcolm WOODMAN: Activity report of the Interoperability SIG
11:4512:15LiveMalcolm WOODMAN (Consultant): Technical requirements for the development of the Certification Test Software


List of attendees: 30

While the representatives from UPC Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Professor Luis PUIGJANER) and ChemSep (Professor Ross TAYLOR) will unfortunately be unable to attend due to other activities and have sent their best wishes for the success of the meeting, CO-LaN is pleased to welcome many representatives from its Members to the meeting as well as representatives from organizations which are not in CO-LaN:

CO-LaN is looking forward to the CAPE-OPEN 2020 Annual Meeting.